PsiBalls for the Inexperienced Psion

This article is a rewriting of an article by someone called Stony on with the title “PsiBalls for the Newbish Psion”.

This article is about creating a concentration of psychic energy in a single spot. For many people magic and ritual is simply the action of creating one of these on a greater scale.

The original author claims that they can still remember making their first psi ball, which is weird because so can I, despite doing loads of weird things like this, I too can remember it. There’s a unique feeling in making one because it’s like a big step forward, like a rite of passage for psychics. was almost entirely focused on energy manipulation (making Psi balls, putting up shields). You are already expected to know how to do Psi balls and shields before working through this article.

You can program an energy ball to do all sorts of things, like poking your aunt in the butt and ricocheting off the walls and like I said a complicated large version could go as big and complicated as a ritual circle.

There are three main things which go into making a Psi ball:

  1. Location
  2. Drawing Energy, and
  3. Fromation

So let’s explore these three things in more detail.


You can make an energy ball anywhere you want: Timbuktu, inside the Prime Minister’s brain, etc. Most people choose to start with their hands because it’s frankly much easier. If you decide to do it in your hands then you can choose to cup your hands as if you were wrapping a tennis ball. There should be a roughly ball shaped space inside your hands. Hold your hands in a comfortable position and then you’re ready to begin picturing the energy in your mind.

Drawing Psi from a Source

Now that was the easy part! If you want to manipulate qi / psi / energy you have to be able to picture yourself doing so. It’s like your imagination makes it happen for real. You can picture it as anything you like lightning, orbs, cubes or even mobile phones.

Now onto actually drawing this energy. Picture energy flowing through your body. Try not to just give an image, but give it a sound, a texture, a taste, a smell so it is fully realised in your mind. Picture this moving around your body and spouting at the top of your head.

Where does this energy come from? No-one really knows for sure. A lot of psions think it is simply waste from the nervous system. Some people suggest it comes from astrological planes of existence, but the original author of this piece believes it comes from the spine, but that’s just an opinion. They encourage you to draw your own conclusion.


This is the part that causes so many questions. They don’t really know if they have actually formed an energy ball so this is Stony’s step by step process to do it.

  1. Begin to draw energy like in the previous section.
  2. Get the energy moving fairly smoothly.
  3. When you feel you have a good flow, begin moving the energy down to your hands.
  4. Picture the energy flowing down to your hands.
  5. Imagine the energy emanating from your palms into a ball like shape.
  6. Keep the energy flowing into the ball.
  7. When you think you’ve done enough, keep going.
  8. Keep going until you feel like you can’t add much more.
  9. Add some more anyway.

If you are successful you might feel the energy pushing back against your hands, tingling, fuzziness, heat and rarely a coolness. If you’re super lucky you might even see a spark or waves. All these things indicate successfully making a psi ball.

You can make the ball strong by adding more energy and increasing the density. Imagine the ball under pressure to making it smaller and smaller. While you’re doing this you can add more energy. Note: you’re not doing anything to it physically everything you’re doing is through visualisation and mental exercises.

Now you can let your ball vanish simply by letting go. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Sometimes it will just suddenly happen and it will allow you to tune into what you’re trying to do and you will suddenly get it!